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8 Ways to Grow a Beard Fast and Naturally

Topic Started By: goddy       Created: Sep 19th, 2020, 4:35 am

Today we are going to learn about how to grow a beard fast and naturally. Now, let us begin.


If you want a lush natural beard then you need to curb one disastrous habit. How often do you run your fingers through your beard? You may do it multiple times per day, right? However, your hands are doing much more damage than you realize. Just think about your facial hair like a cut on your leg. As your cut begins to scab you want to pick at it don’t you, more than anything you know you but the more you fiddle with your wound the longer it takes to heal.

Your beard works the same way, by running your hands through your beard you are going to damage your hair follicles. Right now, your follicles are short and weak. They fall out very easily. Therefore, each time you scratch, rub or pick at your beard you are hurting your hair growth and to make matters worse your hands are covered in oils and bacteria that worsen the quality of your beard.

Train your hands to stay away from your face. The sooner you stop touching your beard the quicker your facial hair will grow.


Your body supplies your facial hair with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. If you want to grow a beard quickly and naturally then you have to eat foods that nourish your body. You have to foster a strong relationship between your body and your beard. If your body has everything it needs then your beard will too.

So, what kinds of food will nourish your body and improve your beard? Sweet potatoes are a fantastic food fot your beard. Sweet potatoes contain a high volume of beta-carotene. After ingesting a sweet potato your body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A.

According to a 2019 study in the journal dermatology and therapy, vitamin A is one of the most important substances for your body and your hair. It stimulates cell growth in many different parts of the body from the lining of your organs to the tips of your beard. So, incorporate sweet potatoes into your diet.

Both your body and your beard will thank you for it.


What do you eat for breakfast each morning? If eggs are your go-to protein then you are on the right track. Eggs are a natural source of a substance called biotin. Biotin belongs to a family of vitamins called the vitamin B complex. Almost all of the vitamins in this category play an important role in your body. However, biotin is especially crucial for the growth of your hair.

Studies have shown that biotin deficiencies may trigger hair loss. In other words, if your body lacks biotin your hair growth begins to suffer. While biotin supplements may increase hair growth there’s a better way to get your daily dose of biotin. All you have to do is change your first meal of the day. Eat eggs a few times a week and your beard will have all the biotin it needs.


Now, spinach may not be the tastiest of foods but it is a game-changer for your beard. Spinach is filled with all kinds of important vitamins like calcium and iron. Calcium keeps your facial hair strong and healthy for longer periods.

According to a 2013 study in the international journal of trichology a calcium deficiency may cause your hair to weaken and turn grey prematurely. Calcium plays an important role in your body but iron is essential. Not only is iron the common deficiency in the world it is also a widespread cause of hair loss.

According to our 2019 study, iron deficiencies lead to hair loss in both men and women. So, why does iron have such a huge impact on hair? Well, the iron in your body produces haemoglobin in your blood. Haemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Without haemoglobin, your cells tissues and organs could not function and your hair could not grow. Haemoglobin supplies oxygen to the cells around your hair, your cells use that oxygen to maintain and expand your hair follicles.

Without a steady supply of iron, your beard is not going anywhere. Luckily, spinach is a versatile food that fits anywhere in your diet load. A handful of spinach into your smoothies packs spinach inside your morning omelette or make yourself a fresh spinach salad for lunch. If you can incorporate spinach into your diet your beard may grow faster and fuller.


Facial hair is directly affected by the amount of testosterone in your body. If your body creates more of this hormone then your beard may become fuller. However, how do you increase your body’s natural production of testosterone? Well it is a lot easier than you would think. You do not need pills or artificial supplements, all you need is a little extra sleep. Yeah, loss of sleep is a common suppressor of hair growth. Why? Well, because your body produces most of your testosterone at night while your brain is asleep. So, how do you boost the amount of testosterone in your body? Well, you start by adding an extra hour to your sleep schedule. An extra hour will lengthen the duration of REM sleep, which is when your body produces testosterone. However, be careful not to sleep too much. Too much sleep can be as detrimental as too little.

It may not do much damage to your facial hair but oversleeping can really suck the life out of you. So, if you are sleeping less than eight hours add an extra hour to your sleep cycle and if you are sleeping more than eight hours then focus on the quality of your sleep instead of the quantity. By getting eight restful hours of sleep each night, your body can produce the beard building hormones you are looking for.


Mental stress has a major impact on your beard. When your beard is short and patchy, you may feel self-conscious. You may find yourself starring in the mirror morning after morning hating your facial hair. You may wish you could shave it all off. In your mind, your beard looks terrible and that stresses you out. You may be convinced your beard will never grow but stress is not doing your beard any favours. All kinds of bodily functions are impacted by stress and hair growth is one of them.

Studies have shown that stress is a popular cause of hair loss and stunted hair growth. So, stop worrying about how you look each day. Growing a beard is just like learning something new. Everyone looks foolish in the beginning, everyone makes mistakes and everyone fails. Growing a beard is no different. Everyone goes through patchy unkempt and frustrating stages.

So, do not worry if your beard does not look the way you want. Growing a beard is a challenge and every challenge takes confidence to overcome.

Believer in your beard and you will find more success moving forward.


Do you shampoo your hair every day? You spend so much time caring for the hair on your head yet you may neglect the hair on your face. The truth is your facial hair needs the same amount of maintenance. Therefore, if you want to grow a fuller beard, you need to clean and care for your facial hair. Your beard will look fuller, your beard will grow longer and your hair will come in evenly across your face. As an added bonus, beard care products may reduce the itchiness and scratchiness of your beard.

This reduction discourages touching and scratching while soothing irritation on your skin. Do not wait to start your beard care routine even if your beard is short and patchy it is never too soon to care for your facial hair.


The best way to grow a beard fast and naturally is simply to wait. Yeah, everyone’s facial hair grows at a different pace. Some people have full beards before they turn 18. Other people struggle to grow stubble into their 30s. Nevertheless, most men never grow the beard they want because they do not give them enough time. How long have you gone without shaving? For most of us, the answer is somewhere around two months. Why is that? Because most people get impatient with their beard. When it does not grow the way they want. The first month or two can be especially frustrating, your beard looks patchy, your right and left sides look uneven.

All you want to do is trim it down so you at least look presentable, but you have to resist any temptation to shave your beard. It is uneven and patchy right now, yeah but it will eventually grow into the beard you have always wanted. It can take years for a proper beard to take shape especially if your facial hair has never been allowed to grow.

So, if you want a full beard then you have to put in your time. These tricks and techniques can stimulate hair growth, prevent patches and thicken your facial hair but ultimately beards need time and lots of it.

I wish I could tell you exactly how much time but that is not up to me, that is up to your DNA. In other words, time is not something you can control no matter how many tricks you are using. So, if want to grow a fast and natural beard then let your body do its thing. Yeah, that may mean a few months of lopsided patches. However, to grow a full beard you are in it for the long haul.

So, just be patient.

8 Ways to Grow a Beard Fast and Naturally

8 Ways to Grow a Beard Fast and Naturally


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